Aren't we all just observers?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Same/Different, sing-along style.

Like a cameo, this Richard Marx.

Same: Being subjected to bad American love songs in public places.

I went for round two at the Silk Market today (not so fun this time) and got stuck there by a thunder storm on the way back to the hotel. So, rather than fight the throngs for a cab, Cal (my truly lovely coworker) and I decided to wait it out in a cafe and called the driver to come pick us up. (Love this whole 'driver' thing. Very nice.)

We ordered tea and were chatting when we both noticed the first few notes of a familiar tune-- Richard Marx's Right Here Waiting-- playing very loudly over the cafe's sound system. Which got us talking. Turns out this was a very popular song in China. In fact, Cal remembers is being played on the news, both morning and night, for a long time. Presumably this happened in the 80's, but I didn't verify. But either way, WTF?!?

Obviously, I am so jealous. Which brings me to the next phase of the exercise...

Different: While we are relentlessly subjected to cheesy love songs in elevators, grocery stores and dentist's offices, we are not so lucky (or so smart) as to add a little mood music to our daily horrors...err, news. We clearly have a lot to learn from this place.

And for those of you still reading (thank you, by the way), here is a clip of Cal singing along to our main man Richard Marx. Priceless.


Anonymous said...

cal is so cute! i love this blogging thing. you are too cool for words. love you

Anonymous said...

I'm continually impressed with the visual aids. Richard Marx and the mullet put it over the top! Keep up the fab work, darlin'!

Anonymous said...

Richard Marx! Those foreigners are brilliant!