Aren't we all just observers?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

An auspicious day.

I had incredibly good luck down at my hotel bar tonight. (And no, I don't mean it that way.) My friend Marci and I decided to head down there with our laptops for a change of venue and a quick meal. I'd heard that our lounge singer, Dave, was fond of Billy Joel and Elton John medleys, so I was looking forward to many a ballad of the unattractive piano man as accompaniment to my weird vegetarian food and quantitative data analysis (ick).

But things turned out even better than I imagined.

(My apologies for the near-black video. Digital camera + desire to be discreet = crazy dark video. I am not a videographer, in case you couldn't tell.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gabrielle: I am in Missouri now for the memorial. I can't get to my new e-mail account because "they" say I don't have one even though I transferred EVERYTHING from my sbcglobal acct. ARRRGGGGHHHHH. I hope all is well with you and think your are just fab. love, mom