Aren't we all just observers?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Jet lag: 1, Me: 0

The motto of our trip, in visual form: Asia, in Barcelona.

After I was done posting to the blog last night, I was chilling in bed, watching Lost in Translation (very appropriate) and gmail chatting with Guinevere. Mostly about work, her studies for the bar and all that. However, somewhere along the way, things went a little sideways:

10:32 PM me: '
10:35 PM Guinevere: ?

14 minutes
10:49 PM me: di==]]]]=====slffj odon=fffll/

That pretty much sums it up. I guess it was time for bed.

So far today I have gone to the gym with Asia, spewed water all over the treadmill whilst making a horrifying retching sound (I am VERY graceful), thoroughly enjoyed the complementary breakfast buffet (my choices today: an omelet, some salad, fried rice, cocoa krispies, strawberry yogurt, coffee and watermelon juice. All at once.), and begun watching Lost in Translation. Again.

Beijing has a lot to offer. Blue skies are not one of those things.

The good news is, it looks like a lovely day for a suntan.

We start research again tomorrow, at which point we go, go, go until we get home the 24th. Will do my best to post more often, though.


1 comment:

Jessica said...

Then cut your hair!! Oh, and my purse is falling apart. Time for a second Made in China inspiration, sissy!!