Aren't we all just observers?

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The world is my Arkansas

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: talented, but inbred.

Once one becomes a permanent fixture in the ex-pat world I imagine "6 degrees of separation" becomes something of a joke. You'd probably only need two or three degrees before the deep, dark secrets of the entire community were accessible (should you be into that kind of thing) and dating became Arkansas-flavored.

Proof-positive of this was Saturday night's dinner party at which I ran into a woman I'd met at a Chiat LA party last summer. I'll spare the details, but trust me that it was really, really weird to a) remember her and b) to see her in Shanghai. Plus, she works on Pedigree and is sweating our Eukabuba brand work. Good stuff.

Random ad-connection aside, I met quite a few "new" people that night. Among them, a really lovely British couple/design duo who are working at a gallery here in Shanghai. I'm going to try to make it over to their space while I'm here, but you can also check it out for yourself. It looks like they focus on toy art, which I'm totally ignorant about. I'll take photos if I make it over there anytime soon.

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